(from newlyweds to empty-nesters)
So what is the issue in your marriage you'd like to address? Our first inclination is usually to find fault with our spouse, but you'll have much more success tending to your own shortcomings first. Those are the issues you have direct control over. So why not take a personal inventory of your own imperfections and ask God to forgive you for those sins. Now, you're ready to take these six steps to improving your marriage.
- Having confessed your failures and accepted God’s forgiveness, ask your partner to forgive you. Then ask God to let you be His agent for loving your partner. Ask Him to fill you with His Spirit and His love.
- Forget about your feelings. You do not have to feel anything to love your spouse. Feelings may change because of your actions, but
feelings should not dictate your actions. Choose to love your mate,
- Express love to your mate by word or action once each day for the next month. Perhaps you could begin with a compliment each day for the next week.
- Do not allow your mate’s reaction to stifle your love. Nothing your mate does can stop your love as long as you choose to love. Why stop when love is your greatest weapon for good and growth?
- Consider the possibility of accepting in your mate some imperfection that has irritated you for years. If you decide to accept it, be sure to tell your mate. Such acceptance can be a positive step in your own emotional growth.
- Few individuals can resist genuine, unconditional love for more than
a year. Why not start today? Make this the greatest year of your marriage. Many have found that in less than a month, love has begotten love, and their whole marriage has been turned around.
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