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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Daily Word........

Passage Romans 14:1-22:

Romans 14

1AS FOR the man who is a weak believer, welcome him [into your fellowship], but not to criticize his opinions or pass judgment on his scruples or perplex him with discussions.
2One [man's faith permits him to] believe he may eat anything, while a weaker one [limits his] eating to vegetables.
3Let not him who eats look down on or despise him who abstains, and let not him who abstains criticize and pass judgment on him who eats; for God has accepted and welcomed him.
4Who are you to pass judgment on and censure another's household servant? It is before his own master that he stands or falls. And he shall stand and be upheld, for the Master (the Lord) is mighty to support him and make him stand.
5One man esteems one day as better than another, while another man esteems all days alike [sacred]. Let everyone be fully convinced (satisfied) in his own mind.
6He who observes the day, observes it in honor of the Lord. He also who eats, eats in honor of the Lord, since he gives thanks to God; while he who abstains, abstains in honor of the Lord and gives thanks to God.
7None of us lives to himself [but to the Lord], and none of us dies to himself [but to the Lord, for]
8If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or we die, we belong to the Lord.
9For Christ died and lived again for this very purpose, that He might be Lord both of the dead and of the living.
10Why do you criticize and pass judgment on your brother? Or you, why do you look down upon or despise your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of God.
11For it is written, As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to Me, and every tongue shall confess to God [acknowledge Him to His honor and to His praise].(A)
12And so each of us shall give an account of himself [give an answer in reference to judgment] to God.
13Then let us no more criticize and blame and pass judgment on one another, but rather decide and endeavor never to put a stumbling block or an obstacle or a hindrance in the way of a brother.
14I know and am convinced (persuaded) as one in the Lord Jesus, that nothing is [forbidden as] essentially unclean (defiled and unholy in itself). But [none the less] it is unclean (defiled and unholy) to anyone who thinks it is unclean.
15But if your brother is being pained or his feelings hurt or if he is being injured by what you eat, [then] you are no longer walking in love. [You have ceased to be living and conducting yourself by the standard of love toward him.] Do not let what you eat hurt or cause the ruin of one for whom Christ died!
16Do not therefore let what seems good to you be considered an evil thing [by someone else]. [In other words, do not give occasion for others to criticize that which is justifiable for you.]
17[After all] the kingdom of God is not a matter of [getting the] food and drink [one likes], but instead it is righteousness (that state which makes a person acceptable to God) and [heart] peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
18He who serves Christ in this way is acceptable and pleasing to God and is approved by men.
19So let us then definitely aim for and eagerly pursue what makes for harmony and for mutual upbuilding (edification and development) of one another.
20You must not, for the sake of food, undo and break down and destroy the work of God! Everything is indeed [ceremonially] clean and pure, but it is wrong for anyone to hurt the conscience of others or to make them fall by what he eats.
21The right thing is to eat no meat or drink no wine [at all], or [do anything else] if it makes your brother stumble or hurts his conscience or offends or weakens him.
22Your personal convictions [on such matters]--exercise [them] as in God's presence, keeping them to yourself [striving only to know the truth and obey His will]. Blessed (happy, [a]to be envied) is he who has no reason to judge himself for what he approves [who does not convict himself by what he chooses to do].

Daily Word........

Romans 13

1LET EVERY person be loyally subject to the governing (civil) authorities. For there is no authority except from God [by His permission, His sanction], and those that exist do so by God's appointment.(A)
2Therefore he who resists and sets himself up against the authorities resists what God has appointed and arranged [in divine order]. And those who resist will bring down judgment upon themselves [receiving the penalty due them].
3For civil authorities are not a terror to [people of] good conduct, but to [those of] bad behavior. Would you have no dread of him who is in authority? Then do what is right and you will receive his approval and commendation.
4For he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, [you should dread him and] be afraid, for he does not bear and wear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant to execute His wrath (punishment, vengeance) on the wrongdoer.
5Therefore one must be subject, not only to avoid God's wrath and escape punishment, but also as a matter of principle and for the sake of conscience.
6For this same reason you pay taxes, for [the civil authorities] are official servants under God, devoting themselves to attending to this very service.
7Render to all men their dues. [Pay] taxes to whom taxes are due, revenue to whom revenue is due, respect to whom respect is due, and honor to whom honor is due.
8Keep out of debt and owe no man anything, except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor [who practices loving others] has fulfilled the Law [relating to one's fellowmen, meeting all its requirements].
9The commandments, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not kill, You shall not steal, You shall not covet (have an evil desire), and any other commandment, are summed up in the single command, You shall love your neighbor as [you do] yourself.(B)
10Love does no wrong to one's neighbor [it never hurts anybody]. Therefore love meets all the requirements and is the fulfilling of the Law.
11Besides this you know what [a critical] hour this is, how it is high time now for you to wake up out of your sleep (rouse to reality). For salvation (final deliverance) is nearer to us now than when we first believed (adhered to, trusted in, and relied on Christ, the Messiah).

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Daily Word........

Job 11

1THEN ZOPHAR the Naamathite replied,
2Should not the multitude of words be answered? And should a man full of talk [and making such great professions] be pronounced free from guilt or blame?
3Should your boastings and babble make men keep silent? And when you mock and scoff, shall no man make you ashamed?
4For you have said, My doctrine [that God afflicts the righteous knowingly] is pure, and I am clean in [God's] eyes.(A)
5But oh, that God would speak, and open His lips against you,
6And that He would show you the secrets of wisdom! For He is manifold in understanding! Know therefore that God exacts of you less than your guilt and iniquity [deserve].
7Can you find out the deep things of God, or can you by searching find out the limits of the Almighty [explore His depths, ascend to His heights, extend to His breadths, and comprehend His infinite perfection]?
8His wisdom is as high as the heights of heaven! What can you do? It is deeper than Sheol (the place of the dead)! What can you know?
9Longer in measure [and scope] is it than the earth, and broader than the sea.
10If [God] sweeps in and arrests and calls into judgment, who can hinder Him? [If He is against a man, who shall call Him to account for it?]
11For He recognizes and knows hollow, wicked, and useless men (men of falsehood); when He sees iniquity, will He not consider it?
12But a stupid man will get wisdom [only] when a wild donkey's colt is born a man [as when he thinks himself free because he is lifted up in pride].
13If you set your heart aright and stretch out your hands to [God],
14If you put sin out of your hand and far away from you and let not evil dwell in your tents;
15Then can you lift up your face to Him without stain [of sin, and unashamed]; yes, you shall be steadfast and secure; you shall not fear.
16For you shall forget your misery; you shall remember it as waters that pass away.
17And [your] life shall be clearer than the noonday and rise above it; though there be darkness, it shall be as the morning.
18And you shall be secure and feel confident because there is hope; yes, you shall search about you, and you shall take your rest in safety.
19You shall lie down, and none shall make you afraid; yes, many shall sue for your favor.
20But the eyes of the wicked shall look [for relief] in vain, and they shall not escape [the justice of God]; and their hope shall be to give up the ghost.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

DAILY WORD.......2/12/2008

Job 10
1I AM weary of my life and loathe it! I will give free expression to my complaint; I will speak in the bitterness of my soul.
2I will say to God, Do not condemn me [do not make me guilty]! Show me why You contend with me.
3Does it seem good to You that You should oppress, that You should despise and reject the work of Your hands, and favor the schemes of the wicked?
4Have You eyes of flesh? Do You see as man sees?
5Are Your days as the days of man, are Your years as man's [years],
6That You inquire after my iniquity and search for my sin--
7Although You know that I am not wicked or guilty and that there is none who can deliver me out of Your hand?
8Your hands have formed me and made me. Would You turn around and destroy me?
9Remember [earnestly], I beseech You, that You have fashioned me as clay [out of the same earth material, exquisitely and elaborately]. And will You bring me into dust again?
10Have You not poured me out like milk and curdled me like cheese?
11You have clothed me with skin and flesh and have knit me together with bones and sinews.
12You have granted me life and favor, and Your providence has preserved my spirit.
13Yet these [the present evils] have You hid in Your heart [for me since my creation]; I know that this was with You [in Your purpose and thought].
14If I sin, then You observe me, and You will not acquit me from my iniquity and guilt.
15If I am wicked, woe unto me! And if I am righteous, yet must I not lift up my head, for I am filled with disgrace and the sight of my affliction.
16If I lift myself up, You hunt me like a lion and again show Yourself [inflicting] marvelous [trials] upon me.
17You renew Your witnesses against me and increase Your indignation toward me; I am as if attacked by a troop time after time.
18Why then did You bring me forth out of the womb? Would that I had perished and no eye had seen me!
19I should have been as though I had not existed; I should have been carried from the womb to the grave.
20Are not my days few? Cease then and let me alone, that I may take a little comfort and cheer up
21Before I go whence I shall not return, even to the land of darkness and the shadow of death,
22The land of sunless gloom as intense darkness, [the land] of the shadow of death, without any order, and where the light is as thick darkness.

DAILY WORD.......2/11/2008

Job 9

1THEN JOB answered and said,
2Yes, I know it is true. But how can mortal man be right before God?
3If one should want to contend with Him, he cannot answer one [of His questions] in a thousand.
4[God] is wise in heart and mighty in strength; who has [ever] hardened himself against Him and prospered or even been safe?
5[God] Who removes the mountains, and they know it not when He overturns them in His anger;
6Who shakes the earth out of its place, and the pillars of it tremble;
7Who commands the sun, and it rises not; Who seals up the stars [from view];
8Who alone stretches out the heavens and treads upon the waves and high places of the sea;
9Who made [the constellations] the Bear, Orion, and the [loose cluster] Pleiades, and the [vast starry] spaces of the south;
10Who does great things past finding out, yes, marvelous things without number.
11Behold, He goes by me, and I see Him not; He passes on also, but I perceive Him not.
12Behold, He snatches away; who can hinder or turn Him back? Who will say to Him, What are You doing?
13God will not withdraw His anger; the [proud] helpers of Rahab [arrogant monster of the sea] bow under Him.
14How much less shall I answer Him, choosing out my words to reason with Him
15Whom, though I were righteous (upright and innocent) yet I could not answer? I must appeal for mercy to my Opponent and Judge [for my right].
16If I called and He answered me, yet would I not believe that He listened to my voice.
17For He overwhelms and breaks me with a tempest and multiplies my wounds without cause.
18He will not allow me to catch my breath, but fills me with bitterness.
19If I speak of strength, behold, He is mighty! And if of justice, Who, says He, will summon Me?
20Though I am innocent and in the right, my own mouth would condemn me; though I am blameless, He would prove me perverse.
21Though I am blameless, I regard not myself; I despise my life.
22It is all one; therefore I say, God [does not discriminate, but] destroys the blameless and the wicked.
23When [His] scourge slays suddenly, He mocks at the calamity and trial of the innocent.
24The earth is given into the hands of the wicked; He covers the faces of its judges [so that they are blinded to justice]. If it is not [God], who then is it [responsible for all this inequality]?
25Now my days are swifter than a runner; they flee away, they see no good.
26They are passed away like the swift rowboats made of reeds, or like the eagle that swoops down on the prey.
27If I say, I will forget my complaint, I will put off my sad countenance, and be of good cheer and brighten up,
28I become afraid of all my pains and sorrows [yet to come], for I know You will not pronounce me innocent [by removing them].
29I shall be held guilty and be condemned; why then should I labor in vain [to appear innocent]?
30If I wash myself with snow and cleanse my hands with lye,
31Yet You will plunge me into the ditch, and my own clothes will abhor me [and refuse to cover so foul a body].
32For [God] is not a [mere] man, as I am, that I should answer Him, that we should come together in court.
33There is no umpire between us, who might lay his hand upon us both, [would that there were!](A)
34That He might take His rod away from [threatening] me, and that the fear of Him might not terrify me.
35[Then] would I speak and not fear Him, but I am not so in myself [to make me afraid, were only a fair trial given me].


Love Language #1: Words of Affirmation
Verbal Compliments; Words of Praise - Focus is on something they do that is under their control. Encouraging Words - Focus is on who they are. See the
world from their perspective. Kind Words - Tone is crucial! Humble Words - make requests, not demands. When you make a request, are you affirming his or her abilities?

Indirect Words - How you speak about a loved one not in their presence can have an impact. Words of Guidance (especially with children)

Things to Consider
Think back on the past few days. What specifically have you said to your spouse? If someone else were listening, how might they understand your words? Would they find them to be often supportive, critical, or demanding?

Discuss with your spouse what you say to your children. Evaluate the degree of praise and positive guidance you give.

Love Language #2: Quality Time - when we give someone our undivided attention.

Togetherness = Combined focused attention. Quality Conversation A genuine attempt to understand the other person's thoughts, feelings, and desires.

Become both better listerners and better sharers.
Quality Activities - Anything in which one or both of you has an interest.

Things to Consider
For you and your spouse or you and your family, isolate two or three experiences that brought you very close and are a source of continuing fond memories. Plan a new event that has strong "memory" potential.
What are some things you can do with your spouse or other loved ones on a regular basis? Make a commitment to do at least two of these in the next month. Look back upon the last major problem or challenge your spouse faced. Write out ways you could have better achieved the following: (a) less advice and more sympathy; (b) more understanding and fewer solutions; (c) more questions and fewer conclusions; (d) more attention to the person and less to the problem.

Love Language #3: Receiving Gifts
Think about about a gift you received as a child. What made it so special? Come up with at least three things or principles for how to show someone love through the giving of a gift. "Gifts are visual symbols of love." "Physical presence in the time of crisis is the most powerful gift you can give if your spouse’s primary love language is receiving gifts. Your body becomes the symbol of your love." Children know the difference between a gift and a bribe.

Things to Consider
What gifts have you given your spouse that were particularly appreciated? If this is his or her primary language, decide to give one token of love, however small, in line with those preferences each week for the next month.

Are there situations that your presence is especially important to your spouse or children? Discuss with your spouse ways you may already be monitoring gift giving and how you can make this an even greater expression of love in your family.

Love Language #4: Acts of Service "… doing things you know your spouse would like you to do."
Make a list of things you know your spouse or a close loved one wants you to do. Be specific and practical. "Requests give direction to love, but demands stop the flow of love." In order to serve well, we must pay attention to our own physical and emotional needs. Who are we really serving and for what

Things to Consider:
Choose three simple, but humble tasks that you don’t especially like, but know your spouse would be pleased to see completed. Surprise your spouse by doing them without being asked. Many couples feel that they have overcome gender role stereotypes in their relationship but unconscious bias still remains. Discuss your deepest feelings about sharing all activities and your family history in this regard.

Think back to when you were courting your spouse. What made them feel special? Can you keep doing it?

Love Language #5: Physical Touch
Touch is more than sexual. "Don’t make the mistake of believing that the touch that brings pleasure to you will also bring pleasure to her."

Things to Consider:
Perhaps you and your spouse have never openly shared with one another the types of touching you find pleasurable. Discuss the emotional, sexual, and psychological dimensions related to all these areas of the body.

Discuss what times it is especially important to be with your spouse -- special events or activities where they also want you close at hand. Is hugging or other physical expression also important to them at these times?

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Learning to Speak The “Love Languages”

Strangely enough, one can be loved and accepted un-conditionally and still not feel genuinely loved. What feels like love will vary with the individual – this is why you must know your mate so well. One person may measure love by the way his material needs are met, or by tangible items such as expensive gifts. Another may feel loved when her husband helps her with the dishes. One will measure love by the amount of time spent together, or by the quality
of openness and sharing of thoughts between the two. Another desperately needs to hear often the words: I love you. Still another measures love by physical affection – hugs and kisses. One person puts a heavy emphasis on the loyalty shown by the mate, especially in public. Another values sensitivity shown to feelings. Some will measure love by the support given to their personal growth and development. There are so many languages of love! While
all I have mentioned are important, some of them will have special, even critical significance for your mate on an emotional level. Learn what speaks love to your partner; then express your love in ways that cannot be doubted. Ed Wheat, Love Life, p. 126

Gary Chapman has written a number of practical books on what he calls The Five Love Languages (including books relating the “love languages” to Teens, and to Children.) He suggests that there are five love languages, each with various dialects: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, Physical Touch.

Seldom do a husband and wife have the same primary love language. Less seldom do families share the same primary love languages. Our primary love language may change over time. We have "love tanks" that need to be regularly filled. We need to learn to speak our loved ones’ primary love languages. When your spouse feels secure in your love, they will move toward greater growth and joy. When their love tank is full they will be better able to impact their world with love. When their love tank is empty, they feel used and worthless, their world feels dark and oppressive. A person’s criticisms and complaints can be major clues to what their primary love language is. "My spouse’s criticisms about my behavior provide me with the clearest clue to
her primary love language. People tend to criticize their spouse most loudly in the area where they themselves have the deepest emotional need. Their criticism is an ineffective way of pleading for love."

DAILY WORD...2-2-2008

Job 8

1THEN ANSWERED Bildad the Shuhite,
2How long will you say these things [Job]? And how long shall the words of your mouth be as a mighty wind?
3Does God pervert justice? Or does the Almighty pervert righteousness?
4If your children have sinned against Him, then He has delivered them into the power of their transgression.
5If you will seek God diligently and make your supplication to the Almighty,
6Then, if you are pure and upright, surely He will bestir Himself for you and make your righteous dwelling prosperous again.
7And though your beginning was small, yet your latter end would greatly increase.
8For inquire, I pray you, of the former age and apply yourself to that which their fathers have searched out,
9For we are but of yesterday and know nothing, because our days upon earth are a shadow.
10Shall not [the forefathers] teach you and tell you and utter words out of their hearts (the deepest part of their nature)?
11Can the rush or papyrus grow up without marsh? Can the flag or reed grass grow without water?
12While it is yet green, in flower, and not cut down, it withers before any other herb [when without water].
13So are the ways of all who forget God; and the hope of the godless shall perish.
14For his confidence breaks, and [the object of] his trust is a spider's web.
15He shall lean upon his house, but it shall not stand; he shall hold fast to it, but it shall not last.
16He is green before the sun, and his shoots go forth over his garden.
17[Godless] his roots are wrapped about the [stone] heap, and see their way [promisingly] among the rocks.
18But if [God] snatches him from his property, [then having passed into the hands of others] it [his property] will forget and deny him, [saying,] I have never seen you [before, as if ashamed of him--like his former friends].
19See, this is the joy of going the way [of the ungodly]! And from the dust others will spring up [to take his place].
20Behold, as surely as God will never uphold wrongdoers, He will never cast away a blameless man.
21He will yet fill your mouth with laughter [Job] and your lips with joyful shouting.
22Those who hate you will be clothed with shame, and the tents of the wicked shall be no more.

DAILY WORD...2-1-2008

Passage Job 7 :

1IS THERE not an [appointed] warfare and hard labor to man upon earth? And are not his days like the days of a hireling?
2As a servant earnestly longs for the shade and the evening shadows, and as a hireling who looks for the reward of his work,
3So am I allotted months of futile [suffering], and [long] nights of misery are appointed to me.
4When I lie down I say, When shall I arise and the night be gone? And I am full of tossing to and fro till the dawning of the day.
5My flesh is clothed with worms and clods of dust; my skin is broken and has become loathsome, and it closes up and breaks out afresh.
6My days are swifter than a weaver's shuttle, and are spent without hope.
7Oh, remember that my life is but wind (a puff, a breath, a sob); my eye shall see good no more.
8The eye of him who sees me shall see me no more; while your eyes are upon me, I shall be gone.
9As the cloud is consumed and vanishes away, so he who goes down to Sheol (the place of the dead) shall come up no more.
10He shall return no more to his house, neither shall his place know him any more.
11Therefore I will not restrain my mouth; I will speak in the anguish of my spirit, I will complain in the bitterness of my soul [O Lord]!
12Am I the sea, or the sea monster, that You set a watch over me?
13When I say, My bed shall comfort me, my couch shall ease my complaint,
14Then You scare me with dreams and terrify me through visions,
15So that I would choose strangling and death rather than these my bones.
16I loathe my life; I would not live forever. Let me alone, for my days are a breath (futility).
17What is man that You should magnify him and think him important? And that You should set Your mind upon him?(A)
18And that You should visit him every morning and try him every moment?
19How long will Your [plaguing] glance not look away from me, nor You let me alone till I swallow my spittle?
20If I have sinned, what [harm] have I done You, O You Watcher and Keeper of men? Why have You set me as a mark for You, so that I am a burden to myself [and You]?
21And why do You not pardon my transgression and take away my iniquity? For now shall I lie down in the dust; and [even if] You will seek me diligently, [it will be too late, for] I shall not be.