Love Language #1: Words of Affirmation
Verbal Compliments; Words of Praise - Focus is on something they do that is under their control. Encouraging Words - Focus is on who they are. See the
world from their perspective. Kind Words - Tone is crucial! Humble Words - make requests, not demands. When you make a request, are you affirming his or her abilities?
Verbal Compliments; Words of Praise - Focus is on something they do that is under their control. Encouraging Words - Focus is on who they are. See the
world from their perspective. Kind Words - Tone is crucial! Humble Words - make requests, not demands. When you make a request, are you affirming his or her abilities?
Indirect Words - How you speak about a loved one not in their presence can have an impact. Words of Guidance (especially with children)

Things to Consider
Think back on the past few days. What specifically have you said to your spouse? If someone else were listening, how might they understand your words? Would they find them to be often supportive, critical, or demanding?
Discuss with your spouse what you say to your children. Evaluate the degree of praise and positive guidance you give.
Love Language #2: Quality Time - when we give someone our undivided attention.

Togetherness = Combined focused attention. Quality Conversation A genuine attempt to understand the other person's thoughts, feelings, and desires.
Become both better listerners and better sharers.
Quality Activities - Anything in which one or both of you has an interest.
Things to Consider
For you and your spouse or you and your family, isolate two or three experiences that brought you very close and are a source of continuing fond memories. Plan a new event that has strong "memory" potential.
What are some things you can do with your spouse or other loved ones on a regular basis? Make a commitment to do at least two of these in the next month. Look back upon the last major problem or challenge your spouse faced. Write out ways you could have better achieved the following: (a) less advice and more sympathy; (b) more understanding and fewer solutions; (c) more questions and fewer conclusions; (d) more attention to the person and less to the problem.
Love Language #3: Receiving Gifts
Think about about a gift you received as a child. What made it so special? Come up with at least three things or principles for how to show someone love through the giving of a gift. "Gifts are visual symbols of love." "Physical presence in the time of crisis is the most powerful gift you can give if your spouse’s primary love language is receiving gifts. Your body becomes the symbol of your love." Children know the difference between a gift and a bribe.
Think about about a gift you received as a child. What made it so special? Come up with at least three things or principles for how to show someone love through the giving of a gift. "Gifts are visual symbols of love." "Physical presence in the time of crisis is the most powerful gift you can give if your spouse’s primary love language is receiving gifts. Your body becomes the symbol of your love." Children know the difference between a gift and a bribe.

Things to Consider
What gifts have you given your spouse that were particularly appreciated? If this is his or her primary language, decide to give one token of love, however small, in line with those preferences each week for the next month.
Are there situations that your presence is especially important to your spouse or children? Discuss with your spouse ways you may already be monitoring gift giving and how you can make this an even greater expression of love in your family.
Love Language #4: Acts of Service "… doing things you know your spouse would like you to do."
Make a list of things you know your spouse or a close loved one wants you to do. Be specific and practical. "Requests give direction to love, but demands

Things to Consider:
Choose three simple, but humble tasks that you don’t especially like, but know your spouse would be pleased to see completed. Surprise your spouse by doing them without being asked. Many couples feel that they have overcome gender role stereotypes in their relationship but unconscious bias still remains. Discuss your deepest feelings about sharing all activities and your family history in this regard.
Think back to when you were courting your spouse. What made them feel special? Can you keep doing it?
Love Language #5: Physical Touch
Touch is more than sexual. "Don’t make the mistake of believing that the touch that brings pleasure to you will also bring pleasure to her."

Perhaps you and your spouse have never openly shared with one another the types of touching you find pleasurable. Discuss the emotional, sexual, and psychological dimensions related to all these areas of the body.
Discuss what times it is especially important to be with your spouse -- special events or activities where they also want you close at hand. Is hugging or other physical expression also important to them at these times?
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